
English CV


- Doctoral Thesis in Fine Arts and Crafts (in progress), starting date in 2011.
 - Master: Teacher training of Secondary Education, at UCM, June 2012.
 - Master of Research in Art and Creation, at UCM, June 2011.
 - University Qualification in Fine Arts and Crafts, at UCM, June 2010.
 - University Qualification in Audiovisual Communication, at UCM, (3 years).


- English, upper intermediate level.
- French, intermediate level.


Adobe Master Collection CS6 (Photoshop, illustrator, InDesing, Dreamweaber, Premiere Pro, Flash, Acrobat…). Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Quark Xpress, Paint Shop Pro, Nero, Sound Forge, Studio Version 9, Total Commander, Protools M-Poered, Acronis. And programs of 3 dimensional virtual modelling: Autocad, Rhinoceros, Zbrush and 3D Studio Max.


- Adobe Flash CS5 course. Fundación AFIM. (in progress).
- Special Effects and Video Graphism course with After Effects. Fundación AFIM. (in progress).
- Advanced design course in three dimensions with 3D Studio Max. Fundación AFIM. (in progress).
- Vector Illustration course with Adobe Illustrator. Fundación AFIM. (in progress).
- The time of images. Creative process workshop. Concepts and experiments course. In Complutense Summer School. July 2009.
- Course on the use of Flash, academic year 2009 in the Faculty of Fine Arts and Craft.
- Seminary “Introduction to 3D Scanning and modelling.” May, 2009.
- Multimedia Protools M-Poered workshop. La Casa Encendida, Madrid, 24/25 November, 2007.
- Course II Image Experimental Cinema. UCM, May, 2005.
- Course I Image Surrealism Heritage in the Modern Audiovisual Context. May, 2004.
- International Congress: “Past, Present and Future on Freedom of Expression.” Universidad San Pablo- CEU, November 2003.


  • Graphic Designer
March, 2013 to present date. Ananda Ediciones.  Advertising online and offline, poster design, book layout and web maintenance.
  • Graphic Designer
November, 2013 – January, 2014. Fundación IEPALA. Designing and publishing catalogue for a collective exhibition.
  • Teacher
October, 2012 – March, 2013. Virensis. Painting classes at Juan Gris, Hotaleza and Francisco Fatou cultural centres in Madrid
  • Honorary Collaborator
September, 2010 – September, 2012. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).  As an assistant in the subjects: Artistic Strategies and New Digital Technologies at the department of sculpture in the Fine Arts and Crafts Faculty.
  • Teacher
January, March, April and May, 2012. García Morato Secondary School (Madrid). Practical classes in Technical Drawing and Plastic and Visual Education.
  • Designer
September, 2011 – September, 2012. UCM. Part of an innovation and improvement Project (nº312) “Raku: form and colour”.
  • Designer/ Speaker presentation
November, 2011 and 2012. Participation in Science Week with the aim of viewing mythology in urban iconography in Madrid, from Atocha to Sol (2011), Cibeles to Sol (2012). Designing and illustrating a summarized publication of the activities.
  •  Graphic Designer
July – August, 2011. Ananda Ediciones.  Book layout and advertising design.
  • Designer / Cataloguer
September 2009 - September 2010. UCM. Collaboration with the Vice-dean of Cultural activities,  Faculty  of Fine Arts and Crafts, video recording and editing, design and layout of posters and covers, categorizing and classification of artistic works in the main exhibition hall.
  • Designer/ Speaker presentation
November, 2008. Oral presentation at VIII Science Week, “Scientific Formulation and Artistic Interpretation in Astrophysics, Atomic Physics and Cellular and Molecular Biology.” 
  • Photographer / Designer
September, 2007 – September, 2008. UCM.  Member of project team 281: "Computerized Evaluation of sculptural tools and machinery”, approved in the section "Innovation and Improvement Projects of Teaching Quality”.
  • Designer/ Speaker presentation
November, 2007 – December, 2007. Participation in Science Week 2007, “Space, Time, Material, Form and Movement.”
  • Designer/ Teacher
May, 2007. UCM  - Hospital 12 de Octubre. Seminary to plastic surgeons: “Beauty and proportions the aim of both sculptors and plastic surgeons.”


- “Elementos sociales en la educación plástica. Una propuesta de aprendizaje cooperativo.”, (Social Elements in Plastic Education. A Proposal for Cooperative Learning.) Research dissertation. 2011/2012.
- “Desarrollo de la vida hacia la evolución de la conciencia”,  (Development of Life Towards the Conscious Evolution) Research dissertation. 2010/2011.
- “Libero Libro Essegi. Rivisitazione di libri.” (Free Book Essegi. Review of books)Edizioni Essegi, San Michele (Ra), 2011.
- “Lecciones de Arte: Daniel Canogar.” (Art Lessons: Daniel Canogar) ISBN 978-84-694-5057-.
- Lecciones de Arte: Jorge Fernández Torres. Prácticas artísticas e imaginarios sociales. (Art Lessons:Jorge Fernández. Artistic Practices and social imagery) Ed. Complutense, Madrid, 2010. ISBN 978-84-693-9410-6.
 - Pedagogías Invisibles ¿Quién piensa esta silla que eres tú? (Invisible teachings: who does that chair think you are?), Ed. Complutense, Madrid, 2010. ISBN 978-84-693-3047-0.
- Neoliberalismo y Educación. (Neoliberalism and Education)Ed. Complutense. Madrid, 2010. ISBN 978-84-693-3046-4.
- Las formas de una isla: escultura cubana en las últimas décadas (The shapes of and Island: Cuban Sculpture over tha last few decades), Ed. Complutense, Madrid, 2010. ISBN 978-84-693-7983-7.
- Entre lo analógico y lo digital. (Between the analogical and the digital), Ed. Complutense, Madrid, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-693-7984-4.
- Conversaciones de arte: Julio López Hernández. (Art Conversations: Julio López Hernández) ISBN: 978-84-692-0356-9.
- Interpretaciones Plásticas de El Origen de las Especies. (Plastic interpretation of Origin of the Species) ISBN: 978-84-693-0178-4.
- Las Concepciones de la naturaleza en el siglo XX. (The Concepts of nature in the 20th Century) ISBN: 978-84-692-4041-0.
- Proyectos Arte y Filosofía 2009. (Art and Philosophy Projects) ISBN: 978-84-692-6479-6.
- “Arte, Universo y Vida”. Formulación científica e interpretación artística en la astrofísica, la física atómica y la biología celular y molecular. (“Art, Universe and Life” Scientific Formulation and Artistic Interpretation in Astrophysics, Atomic Physics and Cellular and Molecular Biology.) ISBN: 978-84-691-8140-9.
- Proyectos Arte y Filosofía 2008. (Art and Philosophy Projects) ISBN: 978-84-692-3418-1.


- Collaboration grant. Two consecutive years, Faculty of Fine Arts and Crafts, Madrid
- A drawing selected for the collection of drawings of the Department of Drawing while still a student of professor D. Pedro Martínez Sierra.
- Artist´s book selected for the collection of draws of the Department of Drawings while still a student of professor D. Francisco Molinero.


- Memorias, identidades y territorio (Memory, identity and territory):
       Ateneo de Madrid. September, 2013.
       Centro Cultural Paco Rabal. March, 2013.
- De lo Natural en lo Humano (Concerning Nature in Humans), Alcazar de Toledo. December, 2012 – Janury, 2013.
- Exposición de grabados en Galería 17 (Exhibition of engravings at Galería 17). Madrid, December 2012.
- Exposición de libro de artista “Libero Libro Essegi” (Exhibition of artist´s books), Ferrara (Italia), 2011.
- Exposición de libro de artista (Exhibition of artist´s books). Barcelona, 2011.
- “Domus et Animalia”. Facultad de Bellas Artes, May, 2011.
- Distorsión, equívocos y ambigüedades. Las ilusiones ópticas en el arte. (Distortions, mistakes and ambiguities. Optical illusions in art.), Faculty of Fine Arts and Crafts, Madrid. May, 2010.
- Interpretaciones plásticas de El Origen de las Especies. (Plastic interpretation of Origin of the Species) Engraving. Faculty of Fine Arts and Crafts Library, Madrid. March – April, 2010.
- “Arte y filosofía”. (“Art and Philosophy.”) “Time-Space” Sculpture. Faculty of Fine Arts and Crafts. 22 September to 11 de October, 2009.
- Exposición de artes plásticas “Cuerpo y movimiento”. Exhibition of plastic arts “Body and Movement” Photographs and engravings. Real Fábrica de Cristales de la Granja, Segovia, July, 2009.
- “Arte y filosofía”. (“Art and Philosophy.”) Sculpture: “Theory of relativity”. Faculty of Fine Arts and Crafts, Madrid. November, 2008.
- “Arte, ciencia y naturaleza, Animalística”. (Art, science and nature of animals) Sculpture “Seal” 1,50 X 1,20 X 1 m:
       Exhibition Hall of Madrid aquarium zoo. Jun, July y August, 2007.
       History Library “Marques de Valdecilla”, September, October, 2007.
       Faculty of Fine Arts and Crafts, Madrid. January, 2008.